Data is all around us and everything that we do results in new data. Data is increasing at a rapid speed and the rate of growth of information is very high. Yet stand-alone data does not make sense unless the data is processed, researched, and interpreted so that it can be used for insights. Data Science and Analytics s the process of evaluating data using analytical and statistical tools to discover useful information and aid in business decision making.
Inspection, cleansing, transformation and modelling of data in order to achieve information that further suggests conclusions and assists with decision making is what data analysis is all about. It’s a rapidly booming field of study for the youth, and companies are always on the hunt to find people who are masters at this procedure so as to increase their growth.
Analytical and logical tools are used to determine and accurately learn data analysis. These skills need to be learnt and honed over time in order to land yourself a good position in this field.